This was a super fun and last minute project I got to shoot. I actually went to high school with one of the ladies and they suggested that they do this as a fun tribute for their friend Jill, who was getting married the following weekend. What a great idea so props to the girls for thinking of it.
We walked around Stephen Ave and surrounding area looking for great spots to take some pictures. The girls were so wonderful, and were just such a pleasure to work with. I am pretty sure we attracted a lot of attention on the streets, I mean how could we not 6 gorgeous ladies dressed in pink, with a photographer following suit. We must’ve looked like celebrities;)
Wow do I ever love the downtown area. There is always so much happening around and there is so much interesting architecture. Being a burbs girl I don’t get to experience the hussle & bussle of the city life that often, so that was super refreshing. Not to mention the Bow is super impressive when you stand underneath it. What a piece of art. Makes for some wicked pictures thats for sure.
I am so thankful for this shoot, just because its so different that what I am usually hired to do and can’t wait to possibly get more stagette shoots out the door in the future.